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The Rea Internal Drainage Board in its present form was constituted by Statutory Instrument in the 1950s by the amalgamation of two Boards which had previously existed for some time.

copyright Richard Chaff> Photography

copyright Richard Chaff> Photography

It is situated in West Shropshire and extends from the border with Powys in the West to the village of Hanwood some five miles West of Shrewsbury.

The total Catchment Area draining into and including the Drainage District is approximately 150 square kilometres and the total area of the Drainage District is 1280ha. The majority of the Drainage District is agricultural land (1180ha) with a total annual value on which the rate is based of

RESULT NOW AT Board Members | Rea IDB

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the date of the poll for the election of Members of the Drainage Board for the several electoral districts of the above named Drainage Board will, if a poll be necessary, Thursday 31st October 2024.